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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:46 -  Why do we suffer because of the sin of Adam and Eve? Why didn’t God give us the same chance with our free will as He gave them? 
  • 07:13 - Who in the Church has looked into or written about the similarities between the Hindu concept of purification through reincarnation and the Catholic concept of purification through Purgatory?
  • 13:30 - I have a first class relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. I am not sure what to do with it. Can you give me some advice?
  • 15:50 - Was it punishable by death to translate the Vulgate?
  • 18:00 - I completed RCIA last year, my husband completes RCIA this year. I am having second thoughts about having our marriage convalidated before resolving some issues. My husband was told he cannot be confirmed until our marriage is convalidated.  There are problems in the marriage that need resolution first. Is what my husband was told correct? Can he still receive the Eucharist without having our marriage being convalidated?
  • 22:23 - If forgetting or loss of memory is a side effect of original sin, did Mary have perfect memory retention? 
  • 28:00 - I am 47 and I love a much younger woman who is almost 22. Is there a moral problem in the Catholic Church because of the age difference?
  • 31:55 - I don’t understand what the “tearing of the veil” means and “the rolling back of tombs where holy people were raised and walking on the earth.” What is that all about?
  • 40:10 - Does the Catholic Church believe in the rapture?
  • 41:30 - How can the Catholic Church evangelize more in the United States?
  • 44:18 - Is it a sin to look at someone and think in your mind that they are good looking?
  • 49:14 - I just started praying the rosary. Can you explain the indulgences?


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