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Celebrating Holy Week and Easter

What do we celebrate during Holy Week and why do we celebrate the way we do. Jimmy Akin takes caller questions on Holy Week and the Easter Season.

Questions Covered:

  • 27:28 - In the reading on Palm Sunday, when it talks about Jesus going out to pray, how do we know what he said to God because he was alone?
  • 30:30 - Jesus was arrested on Thursday after the Passover. Where did Jesus spend Thursday night in captivity?
  • 32:50 - Why does the Church have an interactive Gospel reading during Holy Week but no other time?
  • 35:13 - Why do we call it “Easter”? What is the definition of AD?
  • 42:05 - I’m trying to be a sponsor for a Jewish gentleman who is coming into the Church. He is asking me to explain the discrepancy between when Jesus is crucified. One gospel says that he was crucified before Passover, and another says on Passover.
  • 49:53 - Will you explain the two discrepancies in the gospel accounts? One version has Jesus celebrating the feast on Wednesday and the other has him celebrating it on Thursday.
  • 52:10 - ”Today you will see me in paradise” but the creed says that “he descended into hell” this seem like a disconnect. How could the good thief see Jesus “today” if Jesus descended into hell first?

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