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Life After Death: Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory

Staff Apologist Karlo Broussard examines what we know, what we don’t know, and what we can hope for when it comes to the afterlife.

Questions Covered:

  • 17:11 - I have a friend who is not religious and she’s concerned that no one will be there for her when she dies. She thinks her parents won’t be there, etc. What do I say to her?
  • 21:30 - I had a near death experience and I felt warmth and love that was very powerful. Is this normal and is this what Heaven is like?
  • 31:50 - What is the best selling point for non-Catholics about why should they care about Heaven or believe in it? 
  • 41:35 - Was the beatific vision the state of Adam and  Eve?
  • 44:40 - I have a friend who doesn’t like his body, he doesn’t like his shortness, will his glorified body be short?
  • 48:00 - When people die, are they seeing loved ones or God? 
  • 49:55 - Is it true that there are different levels of Heaven?
  • 52:20 - My sister said that she won’t be happy unless her kids are there. What does Karlo say about this?
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