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The Church in the News

Matthew Bunson host of Register Radio joins us to review the latest news of interest to Catholics, and discuss how Catholicism is covered in the news.

Questions Covered:

  • 14:48 - How do I better represent the Church when using the online news source Reddit when they downplay the news about the Church?  
  • 21:18 - Did the Pope say that married Catholic men could become priests?
  • 35:25 - Today I saw a headline that said the Pope had welcomed in an actively gay world leader and his husband. What really happened?
  • 44:08 - A company on England changed the name of their annual Easter egg hunt to be more politically correct. The Church of England spoke out strongly against this, “it stripped the event of its Christian identity.” Has the Catholic Church done this?
  • 47:44 - Should bishops and priests seek to do media interviews? Is this a good way for the church to dialog with the culture?

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