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Theology Is for Everyone

Does all the intellectual development of the Church take people away from the innocence of Faith in Jesus? Or is it can a theologically sophisticated person also be childlike in relationship with Jesus?

Questions Covered:

  • 10:21 - How does theology support or not support gay marriage within the Church?
  • 21:28 - Is there a difference between theology and the innocence of a child?
  • 27:52 - My husband and I are converts. His family is Baptist. How do I answer the claim that they make that theology and intellectualism and hierarchy doesn’t matter and that it’s all about the personal relationship with Christ?
  • 34:25 - I think theology does matter, but, I have such a hard time digesting it. I don’t think the message necessarily gets across, it needs to be simpler. We forget the simplicity of what our faith is about. What do you think?
  • 48:48 - How do we explain the development of the Church’s moral theology regarding usury?

Resources Mentioned:

Theology for Beginners by Frank J. Sheed

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