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Open Forum for Non-Catholics

From those who oppose the Catholic Church to those who are thinking about entering, in this show, we take a break from talking with Catholics while Tim Staples answers questions about the Faith from non-Catholics.

Questions Covered:

  • 03:59 - What does the Catholic Church say about graven images as mentioned in the 10 commandments?
  • 16:21 - Is sin the same thing as evil?
  • 21:24 - Why doesn’t the bible mention anything about ancient Egypt since it took place there?
  • 27:55 - How does the Church explain how Hebrew 6 applies to your belief that a person falls in and out of grace?
  • 36:05 - Do Catholics believe in embalming and organ donation?
  • 36:46 - Is Isiah 53 speaking about Jesus or Israel? If you say Jesus, why didn’t Peter understand that Jesus was supposed to die in Matthew 16:22?
  • 42:25 - Why are there inconsistencies with apostolic succession in the Catholic Church’s history?
  • 50:00 - Why do the Catholic Church’s practices take on a similar appearance of the Pharisees?

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