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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 05:36 - I was speaking with a Christian about the canon of the Bible. I was told the canon was established by the valid councils of Hippo and Carthage. He told me those councils were invalid and mentioned the Wycliffe Bible, and I don’t know how to respond. Are you familiar with these arguments?
  • 19:30 - At my parish, it seems that the priest often is not one of the ministers of communion during Mass and this seems very wrong to me. Also, an altar boy normally stands next to the priest during Communion, but now I regularly see a member of the congregation stand there and people say hello and pat him on the back when they come up for communion. It seems like more of a social affair. These are both very bothersome practices to me. Should I say anything?  
  • 27:51 - What happens to an ordained priest that leaves the Catholic Church to become an Episcopal priest?
  • 30:42 - My brother-in-law is no longer practicing the faith and is very anti-Catholic. What is the best way to deal with him as far as his anti-Catholic bias?
  • 40:20 - How would you explain or begin to introduce Cannon Law to a Protestant?
  • 44:00 - Can you clarify what scripture is referring to when it says you should not be unevenly yoked? Would this apply to dating or marrying someone that is not Catholic?
  • 49:00 - My son is currently deployed in Iraq. He had a solid faith foundation when he left, but it sounds like he’s fallen away. How can I talk to him and help him keep the faith? Also, assuming he has had to take a life, does he confess this to a priest and receive absolution? 

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