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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering Tim Staples and then Jimmy Akin with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 01:25 - Why is the Pope being an apologist for Islam?
  • 20:30 - In talking about abortion, I’ve been accused of branding pro-choice voters as pro-abortion. My friends say this is too extreme. Is it wrong and is there a better way to change somebody’s heart?
  • 28:20 - If Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is eternal, is Mary in some way eternal as well? And then what about us, since we have an eternal soul?
  • 31:50 - A lot of people call the natives of Mexico illegal immigrants. But, this land belongs to them and was blessed by Our Lady of Guadalupe. Isn’t this a similar situation to those who live in Israel and having land given to them by God?
  • 36:50 - One of my students asked whether or not the book of Revelation was in fact written by St. John. What is the correct answer?
  • 45:37 - I’m looking of clarification on the Catholic teaching of atonement. What is the actual theory of atonement for our sins by Jesus’ passion? I am Protestant and just want to better understand this viewpoint.

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