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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • 04:19 - Do we receive the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of baptism or only in the sacrament of confirmation?
  • 16:25 - Would it be okay to utilize a bible dictionary written by a Methodist in my bible study?
  • 18:24 - Are there different levels of judgement when somebody dies?
  • 28:30 - When the apostles came across converts who had baptism of John only, were those people re-baptized?
  • 31:32 - Why can’t the Vatican open up its walls and allow the space to be used by illegal immigrants? It seems hypocritical that Catholics don’t do this when they seem so pro-immigrant.
  • 37:35 - An article said the Catholic Church started marriage ceremonies in 1563. Is this true and if so how were people married prior to 1563?
  • 45:44 - How do you know when your family members are out of purgatory? I pray for my family members that have passed, but how do I know if they have made it to Heaven?
  • 49:35 - I’m coming into the Church and the RCIA found out my sponsor is a sedevacantist and said he can’t be my sponsor. How do I talk to my sponsor about this?
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