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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • Where is the physical location of Heaven?
  • I explained to my Christian friends that Catholics pray to the saints to present our intentions to Christ. We are not worshiping. They say, why not go directly to Christ? I reason if the saint is that much closer to Jesus, and you ask people on Earth to pray for you, why not ask them as well? Is this a correct way to explain to others?
  • A friend and I are having a debate on the nature of purgatory and reconciliation. I understand that rather than going straight to Heaven, there are still consequences for our sins and that is why we are sent to purgatory. My friend states if we die directly after going to confession, our sins would be completely wiped away and we’d go straight to Heaven. Which of us is correct?
  • Is physical illness a creation from God?
  • If we interpret Matthew 5:29-30 symbolically, why do we interpret John 6:48-51 literally?
  • How do you answer Christian denominations who believe that humans still fall into a “sleep-like” state when they die until judgement happens at the end of time, instead of each person immediately going to heaven, hell, or purgatory upon death?
  • Why is the number 666 affiliated with the devil?

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