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The Church in the News

We searched the world over, and found Raymond Arroyo to talk with us about the Church in the News. He also shares stories of his life as a children’s author and his new Will Wilder book.

Questions Covered:

  • Can Catholics support a libertarian viewpoint on same-sex marriage in that all marriages are seen as a civil union?
  • Why are you not on air more frequently with new Church news?
  • Less than a week ago, Marie Collins quit the Pope’s panel on clerical sexual abuse. Do you think there is an issue with the Vatican’s handling of the abuse?
  • Where did you learn to do all the voices for the audio books? 
  • Why are we not hearing more about the controversial nature of Amoris Laetitia from our Church leaders?
  • Why are Catholics called pagans? A protestant told me it is because of purgatory.

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