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Answering Objections to the Faith

Have objections to the Faith? Know someone who does, and you’d like help answering them? Trent Horn addresses callers’ objections to the Ancient Faith with patience and clarity.

Questions Covered:

  • What are your objections to the Greek Orthodox tradition in particular?
  • Why does the Catholic Church take up dogmatic issues that really cannot be answered here on Earth?
  • How do you respond to the objection that religion is a result of confirmation bias?
  • A colleague told me his family left the Catholic Church because an aunt committed suicide and was not allowed to be buried in a Catholic cemetery. Why would they be told that?
  • Why should I believe what the Bible says?  How do we know the Gospels are accurate?
  • As a Protestant, I have a problem with how the Catholic Church insists on the defining things without the support of Scripture.

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