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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • If God is in eternity and all things exist, does that mean that the new heaven and the new earth already exist, and are joined where he is?
  • How long after a loved one has died are we considered to be able to ask them for intercession?
  • I am returning to the Church. I’m married civilly. We plan to have our marriage blessed by the Church. After going to confession, am I allowed to receive the sacraments or do we need to have our marriage blessed beforehand?
  • What does it mean that there’s no salvation outside the Catholic Church?  Since I’m a Protestant and I don’t believe Mary was sinless, I don’t believe in the pope as my father, and I don’t believe the Eucharist is the actual body of Jesus. Is there still salvation for me? What’s the Catholic Church teaching on someone like me?
  • How and where was John the Baptist baptized?
  • Do infants experience the cross of Christ when they are having experiences such as growing pains and teething?
  • What are the differences between anointing of the sick and last rites?
  • I was discussing with a friend that takes the stand that God is a woman. How do I explain that God is our Father, not a woman?

Resources Mentioned:

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