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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • My wife and I have entered the Church. Is there anything we can do to have our marriage blessed by the Church? Do we qualify for convalidation or anything similar?
  • Why doesn’t the Church allow non-Catholics to go to confession?
  • When will Catholic Answers admit Vatican II is neither Catholic, nor a council? No defined dogma, no condemned heresy, and 50 years of scandal, modernism, and rotten fruit of scandal afterwards. Catholicism is Christianity and does not subsist in it. Protestants are not Christians because they deny the true presence. How obvious can this be?
  • I left the Church and became an atheist. Now I am reading Aquinas’ Five Ways. Which of the 5 ways do you think is the strongest? Can you recommend any other stronger arguments that will bring me back to the faith?
  • I heard you are not supposed to mimic the priest’s gestures at Mass and that we are not supposed to hold hands during the Our Father. Is this true?

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