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Open Forum for Non-Catholics

From those who oppose the Catholic Church to those who are thinking about entering, in this show, we take a break from talking with Catholics while Tim Staples answers questions about the Faith from non-Catholics.

Questions Covered:

  • I think the Catholic Church could do a better job of evangelizing. I did not know anything about the RCIA process. Can you explain why this is?
  • Why can’t the Church be more inclusive so we can win some of the battles like abortion and divorce?
  • ​I’m in RCIA right now, I don’t have a sponsor, how does that work?
  • Why do Catholics vote Republican? Is it because of the stance Democrats have with abortion? 
  • Why is Catholicism a religion I should convert to over my present belief system?
  • Do Catholics believe that other Christians can be possessed by demons?

Resources Mentioned: 

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