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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • Why do Catholics pray to Mary?
  • I know God can hear me pray silently, but can saints?
  • Is free will scriptural, and does God have free will?
  •  My mom is Lutheran and has alzheimer’s, can my mom receive communion, last rites, and Catholic burial?
  • I’ve been told that since Jesus took his apostles away from their families, that divorce must be okay in certain circumstances. How would you respond to that?
  • What is the nature of man? I have Protestant friends who say it’s three parts: body, soul, and spirit, but I’ve heard it’s only body and soul. Which is it?
  • I’m watching a video about various gifts of the Holy Spirit and I’m wondering if I have to join a charismatic group to receive these gifts?
  • What does the grace of final perseverance mean? Don’t we all have this grace? If not, why not?
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