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The callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief.

Questions Covered:

  • How can I best explain the need for Catholic Priests to a fundamentalist Christian?
  • Is Amoris Laetitia infallible?
  • How are patron saints more significant than other saints?
  • What is the “seamless garment” idea?
  • I’m curious what your take is on the Eucharistic sacrifice. I’m a Lutheran priest in Norway, and have argued that it is compatible with Lutheran theology that the Eucharist is a sacrifice. I have even written a peer review article on this, which will be published later this year. But I just wanted to know your take on it. How, exactly, do you understand the offering of Christ in the Eucharistic celebration?
  • How are Catholics saying that some Protestants can be saved? Is it because they once were saved? Is it a belief, an action, what?
  • Should Catholic couples get married even if they’re not open to life for just purposes?
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