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Answering Objections to the Faith

Objections to the faith come from lots of directions. In this show, Trent engages in dialogue with Protestants, Catholics, nones, and atheists.

Questions and Topics Covered:

  • Will you please explain how the Catholic secular authority used to put people to death, but now the Church condemns it, so how can the Church change its view on such an important issue?
  • How can I defend the Church’s teaching on abstinence before marriage to my sister who claims that it’s unrealistic to expect young people to abstain?
  • Will you please explain the Church’s teaching on “born again”? Why don’t I see that term being used among Catholics?
  • I object to the Church’s teaching on sprinkling at baptism when the bible clearly says submersion.
  • My daughter doesn’t believe in Purgatory. Where does the bible speak of Purgatory?
  • How can we defend the Church’s teaching that St. Peter was crucified upside down?
  • My roommate objects to the belief that a Christian can lose his salvation.

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