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Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions

Karlo Broussard shares Catholic Answers to Protestant Questions. Challenges ranging from the Biblical justification for Purgatory to the role of the priesthood in Christian life are addressed with charity and clarity.

Questions Covered:

  • Can I get a Catholic understanding of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
  • I am getting married and my in-laws are not Catholic. How do I talk about and defend the faith without making them combative and creating a good dialogue for years to come?
  • I was debating with a Protestant recently and he said his authority comes from the word of God and no other. What is your opinion on his response?
  • Why does the God of the Old Testament seem more vengeful than the God of the New Testament? How do we reconcile the differences and say that God never changes?
  • Praying to the saints is praying to dead people. How do you explain this?
  • I am trying to explain purgatory to my Protestant friend. I use Wisdom chapter 3, but she still does not understand the concept of having to be purified. Is there a better scriptural reference that I might be able to use?
  • I understand that Mary needed to be sinless up until Jesus’ birth, but why did she need to remain sinless until death?
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