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Our guest, Jason Evert, author of How to Find Your Soulmate without Losing Your Soul — and other well-known books on faith and human sexuality — addresses questions about chastity, modesty, and the Theology of the Body. Using candid language, Evert promotes a fully Catholic, uplifting, and humanizing view of our sexual nature.

Questions Covered:

  • What is your opinion about experiential formation for children when it comes to charting their cycle, and how does that influence their formation as chase individuals?
  • There is a movement where people are trying to make chastity “sexy.” How do you feel about this take?
  • How do you think the Church is handling the specific issue with couples entering marriage that have been chaste, but now are uncomfortable opening up to their spouse?
  • What does it mean when Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:9, “ But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to be aflame with passion.”?
  • How does masturbation and the act of being chaste coincide with each other if we have this natural urge or desire to be sexual?
  • I only wear skirts and my friends question my modesty. How do I respond to them?
  • I see many young girls are dressed inappropriately at church. Is it the parents responsibility or can the priest say something?
  • How can you adapt the chastity program to special needs children who can be easily exploited?
  • How do you help teens or young adults who have not been chaste reclaim their lives and be pure moving forward? 
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