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Cy and Jimmy discuss the 20 Answers Challenge, and Jimmy shares how he accomplished his own personal challenge. Jimmy also answers any question regarding the Catholic faith.

Questions Covered:

  • Does the practice of fasting an hour before receiving Communion apply to attending daily Mass, and does this type of fasting apply to Type 2 Diabetics?
  • If the Church teaches it is not our place to judge the status of a person’s soul after they die, then why does the Church rule on the souls of the Saints?
  • Why is a feeding tube not considered an extraordinary measure whereas a breathing apparatus or ventilator would be?
  • Did the Council of Jamnia actually occur, and does the Church have any official teaching on it?
  • Atheists state that natural law can teach you to know right from wrong, so religion is unnecessary. What are your thoughts?
  • Kids in my catechism class asked, “do we get more God if we drink the wine and eat the bread?” Knowing the answer is no, how do I explain this answer to second graders?
  • Why is the end of the Gospel of Matthew the only Gospel that states that when Jesus died the tombs opened and the dead came out of them? 
  • How do I become a spiritual director?
  • After watching the movie “The Imitation Game” I was left wondering if what the allies did to end the WWII was moral?
  • During the Last Supper when Jesus gave the bread and wine and stated “This is my Body, this is my Blood, do this in memory of me.” Was he just referring to Peter or to everyone else as well?
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