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Temperance: The Key to Freedom

Marcellino D’Ambrosio discusses the principle of self control and explains the virtue of temperance.

Questions Covered:

  • I have issues with overeating and tobacco. What causes us to have the urge to do this, and how can I temper myself?
  • Do you think some of this overindulgent behavior has been influenced from our societies rebellious tendency?
  • I am in a relationship. We have decided to abstain from sex until we get married. Other Christians have given us guff about this. How do I explain our decision?
  • I am praying frequently to be more disciplined about going to daily mass. How can I achieve this?  
  • I am involved with so many things at my church. Where do I draw the line?
  • I am an alcoholic. I participate in AA. It seems like AA only contains a sliver of what God has given to the Church. Do you have any advice from the Catholic perspective? 
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