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Father Vincent Serpa, Chaplain at Catholic Answers, takes questions of a pastoral nature in this hour devoted to the care of souls, growth in the spiritual life, and healthy relationships.

Questions Covered:

  • Is competing in professional boxing immoral?
  • What is the significance of the scapular and how do I use it?
  • What are the differences between lay religious groups such as Knights of Columbus and Knights of Malta, and what do they contribute to the Church?
  • How do I manage to get my dying ex-husband to accept Jesus?
  • At what point will I be certain that my father is in Heaven, or should I keep praying for his soul?
  • How do I effectively discern that I am using God’s gifts well?
  • I was viewing a Trent Horn’s video about abortion, and he says that we should find nonviolent solutions for this issue, and I was wondering, why our own salvation was in the most violent way possible?
  • What is the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit?
  • Can anyone stop sinning for good?
  • Why is an annulment important when you are already divorced and remarried?
  • I currently live with my boyfriend. I know this is a sin and I don’t want to live this sin. I have been praying, but is God not hearing my prayers because I am in this sin?
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