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Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Questions Covered:

  • Can someone be forgiven during the sacrament of reconciliation if they plan to continue committing this sin?  
  • I have left my husband due to abuse. How do I reconcile a relationship with him in order to interact with him for the purpose of raising our children?
  • How do you forgive someone who has been devastated by the results of the elections and is acting out toward me because I am in favor of the results?
  • I take care of my mom full time. My sister does not help me or check in on my mom. I try to get her to call my mom but she frequently bails. How do I know when it is time to draw the line with my sister and not try to reconcile with her?
  • My daughter left the Church when dating a Calvinist. She married him and joined his church. How do I forgive him?
  • My mom has done many things in my life that have caused me pain. Do I have to reconcile my relationship with her according to the commandment “honor your mother”?
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