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Fr. Tad discusses the problems of cloning, IVF, and more.

Questions Covered:

  • 17:35 - When does life begin for an identical twin?  
  • 21:37 - What is the best way to explain the Catholic view on cloning? 
  • 29:18 - What would be the ethical position on developing a machine that would imitate a womb and keep a baby alive?  
  • 35:55 - Is it true that when a woman is carrying a boy, there is a hormonal process that causes males to be able to use one side of their brain better than the other, while girls can use both well? 
  • 40:00 - I thought Catholics were not supposed to participate in cloning, even if the clone does have a soul. Is that correct? 
  • 42:07 - What is the Catholic Church’s position on what to do with frozen embryos? 
  • 47:55 - Contraceptives have been around for 50-60 years. Is there a connection between contraception and transgenderism or the other rising issues in our society? 
  • 51:21 - Are there ethical ways of treating male impotence?  
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