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Belief in the Eucharist

Did you know that many Catholics do not believe that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ? Fr. Paul Check discusses with Christopher Check the importance for a return of reverence for the Eucharist.

Questions Covered:

  • 21:05 - I am Protestant. Why aren’t non-Catholics allowed to receive the Eucharist? 
  • 29:34 - Where do you classify people who are trying to believe in the Real Presence, but aren’t quite there yet? 
  • 33:37 - Why is it your belief that reverence for the Eucharist is a problem in the USA, but not elsewhere, in places like Poland? 
  • 38:12 - What causes the unity of the accidentals, the host and the Eucharist? 
  • 46:20 - Does the sacrifice of the Mass happen in two parts? Is it made, but also offered? 
  • 50:32 - I veil at Mass and think that this contributes to my reverence toward the Eucharist. It is an outward expression of my inward disposition. 
  • 52:31 - I converted to the Catholic faith last Easter. Why is only the Body given during the Mass and not the Blood? 
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