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Baptism, Salvation, and More

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:38 - What do you think of miraculous testimonies of protestants? Do you think they are saved?
  • 11:52 - Is it possible to offer a mass for a deceased Catholic who lived a lukewarm life?
  • 14:22 - There have been many private revelations that promise salvation. What’s a prudent way to approach this?
  • 18:00 - How do you respond to someone who claims Sola Fide?
  • 23:54 - What is the protestant understanding of salvation and how does it compare to Catholicism?
  • 34:58 - How does Confirmation fit in with salvation? Do I need to be confirmed?
  • 41:09 - Where did baptism come from?
  • 45:52 - I’m a Protestant. How does the fact that Catholic leaders are straying away from the Word affect how the Church sees salvation?
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