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The Infinite Life Pill

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Ask Trent Anything – Questions Covered:

  • 06:11 - From God’s perspective what is the difference between someone losing their salvation and never having been truly saved? 
  • 12:45 - If we discovered a drug/medicine that allowed you to live forever, would it be ethical to take? 
  • 23:25 - For those of us who are interested in a more serious study of theology, would you recommend studying at an online university? If so, which one? Ps. Not married but already having a full-time job in another area. 
  • 32:04 - What are all your thoughts on Too Far with Laura Horn? 
  • 34:53 - Are there any Catholic or Christian TV shows you that you like for your kids? 
  • 38:20 - Howdy Trent! What are your thoughts on Douay Rheims onlyism – specifically in light of King James onlyism? They are similar in a sense that both sides insist on using a specific translation – that all others are corrupt. But the reasons held by each camp are very different. And while neither case is particularly compelling to me, it does seem like each respective ”side” is gaining adherents. Love the show, God Bless. 
  • 47:28 - Please discuss how a Catholic should evangelize a Protestant brother or sister, and at what point this becomes inappropriate proselytizing. If a baptized Catholic now identifies as Protestant, should our approach be different than for a lifelong Protestant? 
  • 52:33 - Where should one start to learn more about the Catholic Church? 
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