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Ask Me Anything

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Questions Covered:

  • 01:22 - My neighbor keeps pushing onto my property. How do I approach the situation in light of Mt. 5:39?
  • 08:11 - My father says that Acts 2. Is evidence that the apostles were saved devoid of water baptism. How do I respond?
  • 17:00 - How do I explain the papacy to my protestant friend?
  • 23:40 - Follow up on baptism. In the OT Noah was saved through water. Do you believe that from the beginning water was used for salvation?
  • 29:01 - Is it permissible to think that purgatory will begin when we see Jesus on the judgment throne?
  • 34:59 - How do we know whether a Pentecostal’s beliefs are biblical?
  • 43:25 - Why don’t we allude to Luke 12:42 in regard to Peter being the leader of the Church?
  • 51:19 - Regarding No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church. Does this mean that all protestants are going to hell?
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