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Ask Me Anything

Tom Nash

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Questions Covered:

  • 03:32 - I’m protestant looking into the Church. Does a protestant have to redo salvation?
  • 13:22 - Some people use scripture to denigrate Jews. What does the Church say about this?
  • 24:48 - Rev 19:16 says Jesus will return on a horse with a name inscribed on him. Does this mean that animals are in heaven and that tattoos are acceptable?
  • 31:45 - What does the Church teach about illegitimate children?
  • 34:38 - Does it make the pope a heretic for praising Martin Luther?
  • 37:31 - Do we believe in the antichrist as a person?
  • 41:43 - Why don’t you talk about the Palestinian people?
  • 49:55 - I always thought that animals were in heaven. Can you clarify?
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