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Ask Me Anything

Questions Covered:

  • 02:17 -If there are conjoined twins who are saints and they have the power of bilocation, would they be able to bilocate separately or should they bilocate together?
  • 07:06 - Will conjoined twins still be joined in their resurrected bodies?
  • 11:11 - In marriage, is the “good of the spouses” supplied by nature, or grace?
  • 13:10 - What is the Church’s stance on the history of St Veronica?
  • 17:52 - Can God “forgive” you your sins or could it be more accurate to say He is the immutable embodiment of forgiveness itself- thus really only we can change by atoning and reorienting ourselves to Him?
  • 19:35 - My son, Joshua wants to ask you if you think the Superman movies could have a Christian allegory to them?
  • 28:42 - How/why did the Jews become monotheists?
  • 32:41 - Where did the prayer come from that w e say at Mass after the Our Father… “For Thine is the Kingdom,,,”
  • 35:35 - Why do you suppose the account of Peter walking on the water only in Matthew?
  • 39:42 - My daughter has a turtle. One day, she was laying on the floor with the turtle. The turtle looks at her, then at a piece of fence about a foot or two tall, and back at her a few times. The turtle then runs to the fence, pushes it over to create a ramp (inclined plane) onto my daughter, then climbs the fence onto my daughter’s back. That would appear to be a lot of thought going on in the turtle’s brain to figure that out. What evidence do we have for the extent of intelligence in animals? Does she just have a really smart turtle?
  • 45:41 - What’s your take on original monotheism?
  • 49:28 - Will we continue learning in heaven? Or will we just instantaneously *know* everything we can know?
  • 51:14 - Did Jesus drink wine, or was it just grape juice?
  • 53:12 - If Jesus submitted his DNA to 23&Me would it prove that Joseph was his Father?
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