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Ask Me Anything

Jimmy Akin

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Question Covered:

  • 05:11 - Why do we address the pope as holy father?
  • 07:38 - Is it ok for us to not wear shoes at Church?
  • 14:30 - What does the Catholic faith mean to you?
  • 17:30 - What explains Skinwalker Ranch? Have we ever been visited by extratempestrials?
  • 23:29 - Is listening to music with profanity cooperating with evil?
  • 35:28 - What are your thoughts on wearing veils at mass?
  • 37:03 - My brother is using abortifacient birth control, how can I approach this situation?
  • 43:43 - What’s a good amount of prayers to pray a day?
  • 45:38 - What would happen if the pope declared something ex cathedra that was clearly heretical?
  • 50:28 - Why do some masses not give the precious blood historically?


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