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Questions Covered:

  • 04:10 - Is it ok to study religions outside of the Catholic Church?
  • 09:49 - Are babies capable of faith even without understanding?
  • 14:35 - What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?
  • 19:01 - Is it permissible to take communion at a Protestant church?
  • 24:16 - When the Eucharist is broken, a lot of priests elevate the host spreading crumbs everywhere. Is this valid to do?
  • 30:00 - I was invited to a neighbor’s second wedding. Could I attend? She’s a divorced baptized Catholic and this ceremony is at a winery.
  • 40:41 - What advice would you give to a person who said that they prayed to God, and they didn’t answer so they concluded that he didn’t exist?
  • 45:23 - Is there going to be a formal response from the Church now that the former president is calling for a 16-week abortion ban?
  • 53:05 - Is receiving communion at another church a mortal sin and should it be confessed?
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