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Questions Covered:

  • 06:30 - What’s the difference between illicit and valid? Would a grandparent baptizing a grandchild without the parent’s knowledge be invalid or illicit?
  • 12:05 - In the Didache, why does it mean when it says that priests and bishops are elected?
  • 18:00 - My coworker is a divorced Catholic and always says that she will never be able to receive communion. Is this true?
  • 22:05 - How do you deal with a situation in which someone is at the point of death and cannot communicate with them. Is it ok to baptize them?
  • 28:59 - I’m joining the Church on Easter but I’ve been struggling a lot lately. Why does God let the devil attack us like that? Resource:
  • 34:44 - My non Catholic mother-in-law is encouraging my grandchildren to go to any church as long as they get to know God. How do I handle this situation?
  • 43:54 - I’m a confirmation sponsor for someone this coming Easter. Is there any way it could be invalidated?
  • 48:56 - When are we supposed to bring the palms back to the Church to be used for the following Ash Wednesday?
  • 50:22 - Luke 22 why does Jesus tell his followers to sell everything and buy a sword but then later tells Peter not to use it?
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