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AMA: Prayer, Free Will, and Church Traditions

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Questions Covered:

  • 11:44 - Is there a difference when you pray for specifics like for a job vs when praying in general like the Our Father?
  • 23:26 - How can you tell the difference between a demonic manifestation and a soul in purgatory who needs prayers?
  • 23: 33 – Is it true that the first bible came from Ethiopia?
  • 28:47 - If God is all knowing, do we really have free will?
  • 37:24 - How do I respond to the objection that Mary had a painless childbirth but yet still experienced death meaning that she was not sinless.
  • 45:50 - Is it necessary to have sacramentals be blessed by a priest?
  • 48:17 - What is the official language of the Church? What was the process of marriage in the 1st century Holy Land?
  • 52:45 - What era did the Church rule that priests could not be married?
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