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Open Forum

Tom Nash

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 

Questions Covered:

  • 05:08 - What are Zohar and Kaballah? What do they have to do with our faith? 
  • 14:47 - Is Tzar Nicholas II considered to be a saint in the Catholic Church? 
  • 16:25 - What is needed to be a godparent in the Catholic Church?  
  • 21:22 - I recently found out that being Jewish is dependent on your mother, but your tribal lineage comes through your father. Doesn’t this contradict Matthew’s and Luke’s genealogies? 
  • 30:15 - Everywhere, I see images of people holding their thumb and forefinger together. What does this mean? 
  • 32:27 - How can I deal with a radical Pentecostal who is very anti-Catholic?  
  • 47:08 - I just returned from a pilgrimage to Israel. Is Israel still considered the Promised Land to the Jewish people? Is God still calling us back to Israel or is the promised land now heaven? 
  • 51:15 - Can you help me to understand the doctrine of the Trinity? Why is important that God is three persons in one God and not three gods? 
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